Who We Are...
The Medical Speech-Language Pathology Continuing Education Council is a tax exempt organization designed to provide affordable, relevant, high quality continuing education offerings.Established in 1989 as the Southern California Directors Council, which was comprised of management professionals in speech pathology in medical settings. The council evolved into an organization to support the expansion and preservation of our profession and we became the Southern California Medical Speech Pathology Council as we opened our membership to all speech pathologists, assistants and students in medical settings.
As we continued to grow, we received feedback from speech pathologists that the council would benefit all medical speech pathologists throughout the state of California. As the council grew and progressed, welcomed members from all over the state of California and became the Medical Speech Pathology Council of California (MSCC).
With the addition of our ASHA CE Approved Provider status we are positioned to provide continuing education courses throughout the country. Effective February 2024 we have changed our name to reflect a more inclusive national title. We are now Medical Speech-Language Pathology Continuing Education Council (MSCC). This new name will establish a national presence for speech-language pathology continuing education offerings specifically for therapists practicing in medical settings.
Become a member...
Membership Fees - $85 for Speech-Language Pathologists and Assistants; $15 for Students
Membership fees includes all courses including previously recorded online courses.